showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Cosmo-Roids author1986 labelimageminimize
Asteriods author1987 labelimageminimize
Stellaryx Laser Gamesmanship1988 labelimageminimize
Blasteroids Mirrorsoft;Image Works (Teque)1989BLASTEROIDS™

Battle your way through sectors and galaxies riddled with asteroids and deadly enemy ships to ultimately defeat the evil MUKOR, the ruler of all galaxies.

An award winning shoot 'em up.***
Space Raiders Wicked Software1991Released as part of the "50 Great Games" compilation by Wicked Software in 1991. Not sure (yet) from whom and when this game originated. labelimageminimize
Stardust Bloodhouse (Housemarque)1993[media=youtube]l9xOZ4jtg8w[/media]***